Shrimp For Sale

Shrimp are very popular due to their often vivid colors and sometimes interactive disposition.  They come in all shapes and sizes, and have great value in their environments as they scavenge left over foods and debris essentially cleaning up as they move along.  Some Shrimp have a symbiotic relationship with anemones.  Some Shrimp will devour nuisance anemones.  They are one of the most essential crustaceans and will thrive in most environments.

Sexy Shrimp

Thor amboinensis

Sale Sexy Shrimp

Pistol Shrimp: Tiger

Alpheus bellulus

Sale Pistol Shrimp: Tiger

Pistol Shrimp: Randalli

Alpheus randalli

Sale Pistol Shrimp: Randalli

Junda Lin's Peppermint Shrimp

Lysmata jundalini

Sale Junda Lin's Peppermint Shrimp

Pistol Shrimp Red Leg

Synalpheus sp.

Sale Pistol Shrimp Red Leg

Reef Cleaner Pack - Deluxe 75+

Sale Reef Cleaner Pack - Deluxe 75+

Bumble Bee Shrimp

Gnathophyllum americanum

Sale Bumble Bee Shrimp

White Patched Anemone Shrimp

Periclimenes brevicarpalis

Sale White Patched Anemone Shrimp

Pederson Cleaner Shrimp - Caribbean

Periclimenes pedersoni

Sale Pederson Cleaner Shrimp - Caribbean

Fire Shrimp

Lysmata debelius

Sale Fire Shrimp

Emperor Shrimp: Red

Periclimenes sp.

Sale Emperor Shrimp: Red

Harlequin Shrimp

Hymenocera picta

Sale Harlequin Shrimp

Pistol Shrimp: Bullseye

Alpheus soror

Sale Pistol Shrimp: Bullseye

Japanese Pistol Shrimp

Alpheus bisincisus

Sale Japanese Pistol Shrimp

Monkey Shrimp

Saron marmoratus

Sale Monkey Shrimp

Mantis Shrimp - Peacock

Odontodactylus scyllarus

Sale Mantis Shrimp - Peacock

Blue Coral Banded Shrimp

Stenopus tenuirostris

Sale Blue Coral Banded Shrimp

Curly-Que Pistol Shrimp - Caribbean

Alpheus armatus

Sale Curly-Que Pistol Shrimp - Caribbean

Zanzibar Coral Banded Shrimp

Stenopus zanzibaricus

Sale Zanzibar Coral Banded Shrimp

Reef Cleaner Pack - Deluxe 30+

Sale Reef Cleaner Pack - Deluxe 30+

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