Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang
Acanthurus achilles X nigricans
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Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang
Acanthurus achilles X nigricans
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Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang Care Facts
Care Level: | Moderate |
Temperament: | Semi-Aggressive |
Diet: | Herbivore |
Origin: | Indo-Pacific Ocean |
Acclimation Time: | 2+ hours |
Reef Safe: | Yes |
Minimum Tank Size: | 120 gallons |
Max Size: | 12 inches |
Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang is a rare hybrid between 2 popular aquarium tangs. Taking the coloration from both of them leaves you with a stark black bodied tang with a gold rim on the edges of the body and bright orange red fins to compliment the look. Some specimens will also carry the orange spot on the the end of the body similar to the Achilles tang and a white rim along the edges of the dorsal and ventral fins.
Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang: Caring For A Hybrid Tang
In the world of saltwater aquariums, the Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang, formed from a fusion of the Acanthurus achilles and nigricans species, stands as a testament to the vibrant beauty and captivating diversity that can be found in marine aquaria. This comprehensive guide will provide essential information on how to care for this intriguing fish, covering habitat, compatibility, diet, care requirements, and more.
Habitat of the Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang
The Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang inherits its habitat preferences from its parent species. Acanthurus achilles, also known as the Achilles Tang, is native to the Pacific Ocean, primarily in areas surrounding the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston Atoll. Acanthurus nigricans, the White Cheek Tang, inhabits the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in areas with abundant coral growth. These parent species typically reside in reef environments, where they find shelter and sustenance amongst the corals and rocky crevices.
Reef Compatibility of the Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang
The Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang is generally considered reef-safe. However, it's essential to monitor their behavior and ensure they do not exhibit signs of excessive coral picking, which can damage the reef. Their diet primarily consists of algae, making them beneficial in controlling algae growth in the aquarium.
Size and Lifespan of the Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang
This hybrid species typically reaches a size of about 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 cm) when fully grown. They can live 5 to 10 years in captivity with proper care, offering several years of enjoyment for dedicated aquarists.
Diet in Captivity of the Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang
In their natural habitat, both parent species are herbivores, predominantly feeding on various types of algae. In an aquarium setting, it's crucial to replicate their natural diet. Provide them with high-quality marine algae sheets, dried seaweed, and a mix of marine pellets and frozen foods such as brine shrimp and mysis shrimp. Offering a balanced diet is essential for their health and longevity.
Aquaculture and Availability of the Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang
Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tangs are not typically available through aquaculture. However, Saltwaterfish.com is committed to providing hobbyists with responsibly sourced fish, ensuring that each Hybrid Tang is healthy, acclimated, and ready to thrive in your aquarium.
Compatibility with Other Fish and Invertebrates of the Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang
This hybrid species generally exhibits a peaceful temperament, which makes them compatible with a wide range of tank mates. However, ensuring that your aquarium is large enough to accommodate their swimming needs and provide hiding spots to reduce potential territorial conflicts is crucial.
Sexual Dimorphism of the Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang
Sexual dimorphism in Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tangs is minimal, and distinguishing between males and females based on visual characteristics is challenging.
Juvenile to Adult Coloration Changes of the Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang
Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tangs display a striking combination of coloration inherited from their parent species. Juveniles often have a bright orange to yellow body with distinct black markings. As they mature into adults, their coloration can evolve, presenting a unique and captivating appearance in the aquarium.
Temperament of the Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang
The temperament of this hybrid species is typically peaceful, making them suitable for community aquariums. However, providing them with sufficient space and hiding spots can help reduce potential territorial conflicts.
Tank Requirements of the Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang
To ensure the best care for your Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang, maintain a tank with a minimum size of 120 gallons (473 liters). Larger tanks are recommended for multiple tangs or when housing them with other tang species. Water conditions should mimic their natural habitat, with a pH level between 8.1 and 8.4, a salinity level of 1.020-1.025, a stable temperature between 74-78°F (23-26°C), and moderate water flow to simulate ocean currents.
Common Names of the Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang
Other common names, such as the Achilles White Cheek Tang, may also be known as the Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang.
Compatible Tank Mates of the Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang
Here are five specific species that can make suitable tank mates for your Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang:
- Flame Angelfish (Centropyge loricula)
- Purple Firefish Goby (Nemateleotris decora)
- Six-Line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia)
- Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto)
- Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)
Why Choose the Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang from Saltwaterfish.com
When you acquire a Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang from Saltwaterfish.com, you choose a captivating and adaptable addition to your saltwater marine aquarium. Saltwaterfish.com is dedicated to responsibly sourced fish, ensuring each Hybrid Tang is healthy, acclimated, and ready to thrive in your aquarium. With their commitment to quality and a wealth of resources, Saltwaterfish.com makes it easy to enjoy the unique beauty of these hybrid tangs in your home aquarium.
The Hybrid Achilles X White Cheek Tang, formed from the fusion of Acanthurus achilles and nigricans species, offers a visually captivating presence in saltwater marine aquariums. With their striking coloration and adaptable nature, they can be a valuable choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists looking to add a touch of vibrancy to their collection. By adhering to their specific requirements and providing a suitable environment, aquarists can witness the unique presence of these hybrid tangs in their aquatic habitat.
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