Armitage Angelfish

Apolemichthys armitage

(1 Reviews)

Armitage Angelfish
The Armitage Angelfish with its unique orange to yellow gradient and striking blue accents, is a true showstopper in any tank. It's moderately easy to care for and its peaceful nature makes it an excellent addition to diverse saltwater aquariums.

Armitage Angelfish

Apolemichthys armitage

(1 Reviews)

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Armitage Angelfish Care Facts

Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Omnivore
Origin: Indo-Pacific
Acclimation Time: 3+ hours
Reef Safe: Monitor
Coral Safe: Monitor
Invertebrate Safe: Monitor
Minimum Tank Size: 100 gallons
Maximum Size: 8 inches

The Armitage Angelfish (Apolemichthys armitage) is actually a hybrid of the Flagfin Angelfish (A. trimaculatus) and the Cream Angelfish (A. xanthurus). This rare fish was originally discovered in the 1950s and is among the most elusive of angelfish to this day. It can be found in rocky outcroppings and reef slopes in the Indo-Pacific ocean, where juveniles hide among rock and coral. It feeds on a variety of foods, including shrimp, algae and occasionally sponges. Just like other large angelfish, A. armitage should be kept in a spacious aquarium with similarly sized fish. It is not recommended for reef tanks, especially with soft corals. 

Keeping the Armitage Angelfish (Apolemichthys armitage) in Your Saltwater Aquarium

The Armitage Angelfish, scientifically known as Apolemichthys armitage, is a remarkable species that can be a unique addition to your saltwater aquarium. This comprehensive guide will provide essential information for enthusiasts interested in keeping the Armitage Angelfish. We will cover various aspects of their care, including habitat, reef compatibility, size, lifespan, diet in captivity, aquaculture availability, compatibility with other marine species, sexual dimorphism, juvenile to adult coloration changes, temperament, detailed tank requirements, and precise water conditions. Additionally, we will list common names for this species and highlight the practical benefits of choosing the Armitage Angelfish from The Armitage Angel is a hybrid between the Flagfin and the Cream Angel.

Habitat and Natural Range of the Armitage Angelfish

The Armitage Angelfish can be found in the warm and tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, including areas like the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the western Pacific Ocean. Their natural habitat encompasses coral-rich environments, coral reefs, and rocky formations. These angelfish are often observed swimming gracefully among the vibrant corals, utilizing the complex structures provided by the reef as shelter.

Reef Compatibility of the Armitage Angelfish

One of the crucial considerations when keeping the Armitage Angelfish is its compatibility with reef environments. These angelfish are generally considered reef-safe, as they are less likely to exhibit behaviors that could harm corals or invertebrates. However, it's important to note that individual fish may have varying temperaments, and some may occasionally nip at specific types of corals. Therefore, careful monitoring is advisable when introducing them into a reef tank.

Size and Lifespan of the of the Armitage Angelfish

The Armitage Angelfish is a medium-sized species, typically reaching lengths of up to 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 centimeters) in captivity. They can have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years with proper care, providing aquarists with years of enjoyment and companionship.

Diet in Captivity for the Armitage Angelfish

To ensure your Armitage Angelfish's health and vitality, offering a well-rounded diet that resembles their natural feeding habits is essential. Provide the following foods as part of their daily diet:

  • High-Quality Marine Pellets: Armitage Angelfish can be trained to accept high-quality marine pellets designed for omnivorous marine fish.
  • Frozen and Fresh Foods: Supplement their diet with various frozen and fresh offerings, including brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, and enriched frozen preparations.
  • Vegetable Matter: As omnivores, these angelfish benefit from marine algae and plant matter, such as seaweed sheets or clips. This provides essential nutrients and helps maintain their overall health.

Aquaculture and Availability of the Armitage Angelfish

The Armitage Angelfish is not currently available through Aquaculture. Supporting responsible and sustainable practices in the aquarium trade is essential, and choosing reputable suppliers like ensures that you receive healthy and ethically sourced specimens.

Compatibility of the Armitage Angelfish with Other Fish and Invertebrates

Armitage Angelfish are generally peaceful and can coexist with various tankmates, provided the tank is appropriately sized, and there is no significant competition for territory. Here are five compatible tankmates:

  • Clownfish (Amphiprion spp.): Clownfish are known for their peaceful nature and can be suitable companions for Armitage Angelfish.
  • Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto): These small, vibrant fish are generally compatible with Armitage Angelfish and add color to your aquarium.
  • Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens): Yellow tangs are peaceful herbivores and can share an aquarium with Armitage Angelfish.
  • Firefish Goby (Nemateleotris spp.): Firefish gobies are known for their striking colors and peaceful disposition, making them suitable tankmates.
  • Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata spp.): Cleaner shrimp are reef-safe and can serve as helpful tank cleaners and interesting additions to your aquarium.

Sexual Dimorphism of the Armitage Angelfish

Armitage Angelfish do not exhibit prominent sexual dimorphism, making it challenging to distinguish between males from females visually.

Juvenile to Adult Coloration Changes in the Armitage Angelfish

Juvenile Armitage Angelfish have a distinct appearance characterized by their striking vertical bands, which transition from black to orange, set against a bright yellow background. As they mature into adults, their coloration transforms. Adult Armitage Angelfish develop a more subdued but equally charming coloration, with yellow and blue patterns adorning their bodies. This transformation creates an ever-changing and visually captivating spectacle in your aquarium.

Tank Requirements for the Armitage Angelfish

To create an ideal environment for your Armitage Angelfish, adhere to the following tank requirements:

  • Minimum Aquarium Size: A tank with a capacity of at least 75 gallons (284 liters) is recommended for a single Armitage Angelfish. Larger tanks provide more swimming space and offer a more stable environment.
  • Decor and Hiding Places: Incorporate live rock structures, caves, and hiding spots to create a secure environment for your angelfish. These structures offer shelter and help reduce stress.
  • Water Conditions: Maintain stable water conditions with the following parameters:
    • pH: 8.1 to 8.4
    • Salinity: 1.023 to 1.025
    • Water Temperature: 74°F to 78°F (23°C to 26°C)
    • Water Flow: Moderate water flow is ideal, simulating the natural reef environment.

Why Choose the Armitage Angelfish from

When considering the Armitage Angelfish for your saltwater aquarium, sourcing your fish from reputable suppliers like is prudent. Our commitment to ethical and sustainable practices ensures that you receive healthy and vibrant specimens that have been cared for diligently. By choosing the Armitage Angelfish from, you are adding an exquisite fish to your aquarium and supporting responsible practices in the marine aquarium hobby.

What a beautiful Fish! The images on the website do not do this marine life justice. The Armitage Angelfish was hungry and ate right away.

Reviewed by: Maria Sloboken on June 2, 2022

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