Seaweed Blenny

Parablennius marmoreus

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Seaweed Blenny

Seaweed Blenny

Parablennius marmoreus

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Seaweed Blenny Care Facts

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The Seaweed Blenny spends most of its time grazing on algae over the rock surface or the bottom of the tank. The Seaweed Blenny is mostly found resting or perching upon rocks, so introduction of plenty of rocks is must for it to survive well. The Seaweed Blenny looks for places where it can hide or take refuge when stressed or frightened, so rocks with rubble forms make a good addition for this species. With its unique body form, it makes a captivating addition to any tank. The body is tan to rusty orange with scattered or clustered dark brown spots, which makes it a unique fish in the tank. Rocks encourage the growth of natural algae on which the Seaweed Blenny can feed in between its meal. The Seaweed Blenny is considered reef compatible with caution, because it can nip at stony coral polyps and clam mantles. The Seaweed Blenny should not be kept in a tank less than 30 gallons. The Seaweed Blenny thrives well in a temperature range of 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit and pH of 8.1-8.4. The Seaweed Blenny is a peaceful fish, and is safest to keep only one fish unless you have a true mated pair. The Seaweed Blenny can feed on vegetable matter, blue green algae, blanched vegetables or prepared foods for herbivore fish.

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