Due to its similar appearance with a torch light, this coral is named the Torch Coral. Sometimes, it might be confused with the species called the Hammer Coral Branching for having branched polyps. The Torch Coral is truly beautiful and features long flowing tentacles protruding from branching skeleton. Its polyps have tan-brown stems with green tips. It needs proper care and with proper water flow and lighting conditions in the aquarium, the Torch Coral will thrive. It needs a supplement of calcium, strontium and other trace elements into the water which aids in its proper growth and development. The Torch Coral is a great coral to keep as a beginner and makes a terrific addition to any aquarium. It forms large colonies with corallites walls which form on the outer edges. Polyps of the Torch Coral extend during the day and only partially at night. It acts as a water quality indicator, and will warn you that the water quality in the tank is less acceptable. The Torch Coral is mostly present in colonies and share each others food and nutrients. They have tiny living organisms in their tissue which are called as Zooxanthellae. This is the reason why there is need of strong lighting in an aquarium where these corals are the inhabitants. These Zooxanthellae undergo photosynthesis and provide oxygen and other nutrients produced during the photosynthesis to the coral. If provided with proper water parameters, it does well in the home aquarium. The Torch Coral needs sufficient lighting and moderate water flow for its proper growth and development. It needs an ample space for its growth and to avoid any stinging behavior with other corals present in the aquarium.